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    Regardless of one's awareness, color influences daily life and the choice one makes on the basis of them reveals a lot about one's personality or state of mind.

    The relationship one has with colors in life: in clothing, in furnishing, in the choice of food or when one expresses oneself artistically
    Everything around oneself is colour, by observing nature we can follow the richness and variety that make it so splendid: the fauna, the flora, the landscapes in the seasons or at different latitudes.
    "Feeling" the vibrations of the colors is equivalent to taking a journey that moves emotions, energies and thoughts. They arise precisely from the resonance with your own energy body, like when you listen to music, it too is vibration, we too "respond" to it.
    Let's start by observing what colors we use in dressing and the state of mind we feel in correspondence with... interesting “things” could be noticed. It is interesting that fashion houses also take the seasons into account when choosing the colors of their clothing.
    Socio-cultural contexts match different meanings and occasions to colours, for example white associated with purity and black with death; pink which was once associated with the masculine for many cultures because it derives from red, the color of strength and vitality, and subsequently associated with femininity, like light blue for men, for commercial marketing and product sales reasons.

    Each color arouses and represents an emotion or a state of mind and can be linked in particular to an event.

    The experience of color is subjective and conditioned by the culture one belongs to.

    Yellow can refer to something that radiates, like sunlight; blue to something that encompasses, like the universe; red to movement, like fire or blood.

    Chromotherapy uses colors to associate them with the person and raise or modify a characteristic or vibration of his being so that there is an effect on the hypothalamus, a gland that regulates other glands and hormones, and on the autonomic nervous system.

    Today, despite my weight problems, it is much more frequent that I use colors in my clothes, I really like mustard and warm colors in general, I try to use blue and gray instead of black and I don't think it's a coincidence that instead of sadness today there is much more joy.

    Chakras and colors

    Returning to the colours, Newton discovered that looking through a prism one could see the 7 original colours, the same as the rainbow, the same mentioned in the Indian sacred texts which speak of the energy centers of the body called chakras, recognizing here too the vibrational influence of colors.

    The energy of the color corresponding to that chakra should influence its rebalancing, I say it should because in reality the Sanskrit translation has not always been faithful.

    For example, the descriptions of the spiritual practices carried out by the yogi (such as the repetition of a sacred syllable on a lotus flower associated with a specific deity) have not been reported together with the colours, but only the effects of the practices in the yogis themselves.

    Let's say that all the part of spiritual practice associated with them is missing and for this reason we can imagine that those effects can ideally be seen as a possible point of arrival, rather than a starting point.

    In the courses, what matters is the subjective perception of these wheels of energy, that the aim is always self-knowledge by "listening" to one's own energy field and that what has been handed down represents an ideal, a direction to be inspired by .


    Fulvio Ieva

    released March 18, 2022
