In order for our ear to perceive a wave as sound, its frequency must be between 20 and 20,000 Hz, below 20 Hz we speak of infrasound, above 20,000 Hz of ultrasound: outside this range, the human ear is deaf.
Our skin, on the other hand, continues to perceive sound vibrations even below 20
Hz, through small receptors present practically everywhere in the body (skin,
connective tissue, muscle interstices, meninges, periosteum). Every time sound
enters the ear, our eardrum creates a vibrational effect related to that frequency and its volume. The sound expands in the bones, in the tissues, in the intra and
extracellular liquids and reaches every cell of our body, also because there is the
living matrix that instantly connects everything.
The vibrations in the human body
Everything that exists in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms arises from a sound nucleus and an intrinsically vibratory structure; matter itself, which appears to be stable, is made of waves and masses. Speaking of "mass", I am obliged to mention the "Three fundamental principles of quantum physics", because everything depends on them:
The 1st Principle states that the human body is made up of interactions between the parts and that it is not possible to make a reliable study of the state of health of the organism by analyzing them individually, because this really means excluding the interactions: whether , of cells or tissues, they must be studied "in situ", not outside the body.
The 2nd Principle concerns the concept of emptiness, emptiness intended as a generator/activator of life, from which the photons come, therefore, since there is emptiness, life can never end.
The 3rd Law states that mass (M) is a form of energy (E).
If the mass can be transformed into energy and vice versa and if the energy is a wave, whose characteristic is expressed by the frequency, it means that all the organs of the body have more masses and more frequencies. At this point, one wonders why conventional medicine focuses its research and studies only on the mass and ignores the energy structure from which the mass derives, as well as the frequencies.
When, as a result of a problem found at the level of an organ, the doctor requires a series of tests to determine the cause of that dysfunction, for example, blood tests, ultrasound, MRI and so on, where and what is he looking for? That doctor, in doing so, is only searching in the mass of the organ and is excluding from his field of research all the remaining information that that mass contains, because it is made mostly of energy and frequencies.
In fact, "if we observe only matter, as for example happens in chemistry, we understand only a billionth of reality" and "all the causes in the behavior of matter, are to be seen in the interactions between photons and nucleons" (Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari, doctor and physicist). Vibrations generate effects on matter and are able to shape it precisely by virtue of this inseparable interaction between the vibration of photons (elementary units of light), energy and matter; the same creative power also has thoughts, words and emotions.
Several scientific studies and researches confirm this characteristic, which has been concretely demonstrated by experiments, which show their ability to create geometric shapes, drawings on sand or salt, or their ability to crystallize in water, forming sacred geometries. And since water abounds in the human body, you can imagine the implications of frequencies or any other sound source, on this element of which all of us are made.
One of the first scientific findings of what I have just written, offers us the German physicist Ernst Chladni (1756 - 1827). With a violin bow, he vibrated a sheet of metal (or glass) sprinkled with sand, whose vibration induced the grains to organize and arrange themselves along the lines of the plate, forming a series of geometric designs.
In another demonstration, the frequencies were applied to a slab on which salt grains are dropped. The intensity of the frequencies, produced by an apparatus, causes the grains to dispose differently depending on the intensity of the frequency and to form, from time to time, extraordinary geometric figures (sacred geometry).
In the early 1900s, Hans Jenny’s Cymatics showed that sound waves were able to produce morphogenetic effects and create forms in the physical world (earth, sand, salt, water or other liquids) and, with his studies, gave rise to further investigations. In 1980 Erich Korbler, an electronic engineer, managed to draw a bridge between Chinese medicine and radioesthesia and created the "New homeopathy", also called "Information Medicine". He understood that, starting from some geometric shapes, could send vibrational impulses to the DNA genes and this by virtue of the fact that DNA is a kind of transmitting antenna machine capable of receiving and transmitting information and also activate the self-healing power of people.
Effect of frequencies on matter. Beautiful video by Nigel John Stanford:
The Speaking Cells
The whole universe is solidified music, Pythagoras would say, and it is in this sea of frequencies that all of us constantly float and from which, magically, even our mind, among all possible worlds, extracts the frequencies that are necessary to build its own.
Within our body, the cells vibrate continuously at a frequency that, to be heard, must be subjected to an amplification process and recorded with AFM. It is an acoustic vibration, generated by their continuous movement and their oscillatory rhythm, which follows precise directions, never random. This dancing movement of microtubules and cellular filaments, similar to the strings of a musical instrument in a constant state of vibration, has a certain resonance frequency, that is, its own "base note", emitted depending on the various functions.
When a cell touches those nearby, they all begin to vibrate in unison and faster than chemical signals. Sound, being a frequency, plays a shaping action on matter, therefore also on our body and for the reason that I have already written. According to the "Acoustic Psycho", which is the study of the subjective perception of sounds, sound is a continuous analog signal, which brings an infinite number of information. Our brain, able to analyze sounds and interpret them, uses, for their processing, chemicals and a highly complex electrical network.
Scientific researches have established the validity of music in the therapeutic field, especially in reducing anxiety, increasing concentration and stabilizing the heartbeat. All this is possible thanks to the power that music has to recall the lost harmony. But that music can touch the heart of our being, is an ancient discovery of which already Plato and Pythagoras guessed the powers, the first in "The Laws", the second in "Music of the Spheres", while Shakespeare, in some of his most beautiful works, staged its comforting effect on souls in distress.
Listening to classical or jazz music has been shown to extend survival by two months in transplanted rats, while loud or unpleasant sounds accelerate death. In this regard, Milford Graves, famous jazz musician, recorded the sound of the human heart and then transformed it into electric audio sound, including frequencies consistent with the microrhythms of the heart.
In the field of music therapy, also Bruno Oddenino, founder of the School of Musical Improvement of Saluzzo, as well as Professor of oboe at the Conservatory G. Verdi of Turin, has collaborated in this field to help man to regain his natural balance and to develop his potential to the fullest. And at a conference held in Bologna in 2003, Oddenino illustrated how every human being has his own "personal tone".
The human body, with its dancing cells, therefore also has a great ability to self-regenerate itself: after three months, 80% of the cells, excluding the heart, is renewed and, over a lifetime, this process of continuous cell replacement, indicates the incessant change to which we are subjected. Benenson and Tomatis, in the field of music therapy, have also identified in each person a specific sound, a vibratory frequency, which is like the preformed imprinting already in fetal life. This individual note can be used to treat body and soul ailments.
The sound, for all these characteristics, finds applications also in the medical field and can be "administered" through the use of electromedical equipment, capable of performing a reparative action on disharmonious cells, bringing them back to the harmonic state.
If everything is frequency, it is well understood why an angry person, who shouts and rails against someone, is able to provoke consequential reactions and generate emotions of fear, anguish, upset, of anger with effects that can also be reflected physically. The sound vibrations moving deep, allow the release of repressed energies and negative emotions helping to relax the nerves, generate endorphins and relieve many symptoms induced by stress or caused by a breakdown of internal energy. They, therefore, act as "scavengers", cleansing the mental and emotional system.
Another researcher in this field, but not only, is Professor Carlo Ventura. Professor of Molecular Biology and Bioengineering of stem cells, at the Institute of Cardiology of the University of Bologna, and director of the Guna Attre laboratory (Advanced Therapies and Tissue regeneration)He collaborated on a project with the University of California. During some experiments, he collected interesting recordings regarding the sounds emitted by a yeast subjected to different temperatures: first at 22, then at 26, then at 30, then at 30, and then dead.

(articolo originale:
Fulvio Ieva
released March 18, 2022